The Tesla Model 3 – an AMAZING car!

All about Tesla’s incredible Model 3, and giving links to accessories to make the 3 even BETTER! I have owned a Model 3 since March 2018 and I can assure you that it is absolutely the best car I have ever owned, and driven, and believe me, I have owned a LOT of cars in my long life! How would I compare the Model 3 with my 1982 Skoda? The 3 is from a different planet, compared to that! 

My wife wanted a Tesla from the first day they were available, and when the less expensive Model 3 was announced, we moved heaven and earth to be able to get one, even getting up at the crack of dawn to wait in line to be able to pay our $1,000 to reserve one at the Tesla showroom in our local mall.

It was almost two years later when we drove to the Tesla center near Marina Del Rey to take delivery of our beautiful blue Model 3, and to be greeted with the amazing Tesla staff there.

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